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Advent Day 7
A Prayer of Repentance
From the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth
Luke 1:5-25, 57-80

Based on what I (Fr. Geoff) wrote last time about repentance, here is a prayer of confession from a part of the nativity story.  I wrote it for use in gathered worship; to personalize it, change we/us/our, to I/me/my.

A Prayer of Repentance.

Zechariah and Elizabeth longed for a child who never came 
and yet remained steadfast in faith.
Forgive us for letting disappointed hopes 
harden our hearts against you.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Zechariah did not dare to believe when your angel spoke to him.
Forgive us for distraction and unbelief when you speak to our hearts.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Zechariah could not see beyond the obstacles 
when you promised Elizabeth and him a child.
Forgive us for the times we let circumstances inhibit our faith.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Elizabeth worshipped in humility and joy 
when the mother of her Lord came to visit.
Forgive us for when we take your grace for granted
and think more highly of ourselves than we ought.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Elizabeth and Zechariah defied convention 
to name their son according to your instruction.
Forgive us for letting social pressure deflect our obedience to you.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Zechariah’s first action when his speech was restored 
was to worship you.
Forgive us for times that we put our own concerns 
above thanking you and giving you glory.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

When he could speak Zechariah celebrated your mighty purpose for his son.
Forgive us when we fail to rejoice 
that you use those around us more than ourselves.
Lord have mercy 
Forgive us and set us free

Lord our God you have visited and redeemed your people.
You came to bring knowledge of salvation and the forgiveness of sins.
Because of your tender mercy, you give light to all who live in darkness
and have come to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Renew our hearts and set us free so that we might serve you without fear
and live in holiness and righteousness before you, all our days.
We ask through Jesus, our Christ, born in Bethlehem.